Friday, April 11, 2014

Partnering with Computing in Mission conference

Now that I'm back from MissionPrep, the remainder of April will be focused on getting materials ready for a groundbreaking workshop. The International Conference for Computing in Mission (ICCM) has met annually in the US for a long time, giving mission geeks a chance to share helpful sessions and fellowship. The first ICCM-Africa is scheduled to be held in Kenya at the end of April, and TEN3 has been invited to participate. My colleague Ken is going to be presenting sessions for those interested in moving from Windows XP (since it's no longer supported) to Linux. Our Zambia director, Gilbert, is going to be presenting our Computer Training Outreach as opportunities that ministries can use to bless their communities with computer skills and the gospel.

My part in this is getting together materials that the attendees can take away, both to reinforce the sessions they got--if they took Ken's Linux session and/or Tim's network troubleshooting session--and to give them a taste of how practical and thorough TEN3 material is. We're hoping that this will help the attendees remember, apply, and pass on what they learn, and that it will open doors for us to provide the CTO to more places in Africa. Plus, we're planning on expanding the materials for these sessions into full-blown courses that schools can use.

Please pray for me as I work hard on making this material the best it can be. Also pray for grace for Ken, Gilbert, Tim, and the rest of the presenters and attendees, that the Lord use the ICCM to bless them personally, and to bless all our ministries.

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